The WEDO Journal
of Interdisciplinary Philosophical Research

Editorial Board
Fangtian Ying
Zhejiang University, China
Professor of CS and Design
Macau University of Science and Technology
Distinguished Professor in Humanities and Arts
European Academy of Engineering
AOS: Digital Art and Design, Philosophy of Design, Intelligent Design
Email: group318@zju.edu.cn

Shirui (Jack) Wen
Managing Editor
Reed College, USA
Undergraduate Student​​​
World Eco-Design Organization
Interests: Ethics, Moral Psychology, Philosophy of Law, Legal Epistemology
Email: jackwen@reed.edu
Kan (Kevin) Zhang
Managing Editor
BASIS International School PLH, China
Junior Student
​John Locke Institute
Honorary Junior Fellow
Philosophy Learning and Teaching Organization
Student Advisory Council Member​​​
Interests: Metaphysics, Philosophy of Science, Environmental Philosophy
Margaret Scharle
Senior Associate Editor
Reed College, USA
Professor of Philosophy and Humanities​
University of California, Los Angeles
PhD, Philosophy​​​
AOS: Ancient Philosophy, Aristotelian Natural Philosophy
Email: scharlem@reed.edu

Travis Hreno
Senior Associate Editor
University of Akron, USA
Associate Professor of Philosophy​
Open Philosophy
Section Editor
Akron University Press
Editorial Board Member​​​
AOS: Philosophy of Law, Ethics, Social and Political Philosophy
Email: th34@uakron.edu
Sebastian Evans
Senior Associate Editor
University of Pittsburgh, USA
PhD Student in Philosophy​​​​
Wesleyan University
BA, College of Letters and Spanish
AOS: Ancient Ethics and Epistemology
Email: see71@pitt.edu
Juan Cadile
Senior Associate Editor
University of Rochester, USA
PhD Student in Philosophy
Iona University
Teaching Assistant​​
Iona University
BA, Philosophy and CS​​
AOS: Philosophy of Science and Technology, AI, Personal Identity, Philosophy of Mind
Email: jcadile@ur.rochester.edu
Udit Bery
Senior Associate Editor
Yale University, USA
PhD Student in Philosophy
University of Oxford
BA, Philosophy and Classics​​
AOS: Ancient Philosophy, Plato, Aristotle, and Immanuel Kant
Email: udit.bery@yale.edu
Andrew Stone
Senior Associate Editor
University of Chicago, USA
PhD Student in Philosophy
Brown University
BA, Philosophy​​
Interests: Epistemology, Decision Theory, Philosophy of Action, Metaethics, Conditionals, History of Analytic Philosophy, Spinoza
Email: avstone@uchicago.edu
Naser Tizhoosh
Associate Editor
Columbia University, USA
Graduate Student
Rutgers University
BA, Political Science​​
Interests: Metaphysics, Logic
Email: nt2598@columbia.edu
Xuan (Nelson) Nie
Associate Editor
Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Graduate Student
Sun Yat-sen University
Research Assistant​
New York University
BA, Philosophy​​
Interests: Metaphysics, Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Science, Metaethics
Email: xn282@nyu.edu
Ruoqi (Virgil) Gong
Associate Editor
University of Hong Kong, China
Graduate Student
New York University
BA, Philosophy​​
Junjia (Andy) Zeng
Associate Editor
Reed College, USA
Undergraduate Student
Interests: Chinese Philosophy, Philosophy of Economics, Decision Theory
Email: andyzeng@reed.edu
Arman Hedayat
Associate Editor
Stanford University, USA
Undergraduate Student
​Stanford University​​​​
Graduate Student in Sustainability ​
Interests: Epistemology, Environmental Philosophy
Email: armanhed@stanford.edu
Xiaolin (Eddie) Li
Associate Editor
New School for Social Research, USA
Graduate Student​​​
Pepperdine University
BA, Philosophy and Literature
Interests: Kant, Phenomenology, Hermeneutics, 20th century Continental Philosophy
Email: lie964@newschool.edu
Dingzhi (Alex) Zhang
Associate Editor
Reed College, USA
Undergraduate Student​​​
Interests: Metaphysics, Epistemology, and Ethics of Belief
Email: alexzhang@reed.edu
Sining (Everest) Yan
Associate Editor
Stanford University, USA
Undergraduate Student​​​
Interests: Philosophy of Physics
Email: yan24371@stanford.edu
Stella Mo
Associate Editor
Reed College, USA
Undergraduate Student​​​
Interests: Philosophy of Mathematics
Email: stellamo@reed.edu
Beining (Steve) Ye
Associate Editor
Reed College, USA
Undergraduate Student​​​
Interests: Ancient Chinese Philosophy, Philosophy of Literature
Email: yeb@reed.edu
Consulting Editors
Prof. Carlo Branzaglia, University of Bologna, Italy
Prof. Ellen Yi-Luen Du, University of Colorado Boulder, USA
Dr. Feng Gao, Peking University, China
Prof. Fuchang Zhang, Jiangnan University, China
Prof. Haim Dotan, Fudan University, China
Prof. Jianqing Li, Macau University of Science and Technology, China
Prof. Lakhmi C. Jain, University of South Australia, Australia
Prof. Linghao Zhang, Nanjing University, China
Prof. Ran Wan, Nanchang University, China
Prof. Robin Ko, Nagoya University of Arts and Sciences, Japan
Prof. Srini Srinivasan, Tongji University, China
Prof. Teeraboon Pisanapipong, Sripatum University, Thailand
Prof. Wei Ding, East China University of Science and Technology, China